Your job or interview booking will have a status of Pending, Accepted, Declined, Expired, Closed, Canceled, or Completed. Access all your bookings on your Bookings page.
- A family sends a caregiver a job or interview request: Pending
- The caregiver declines the request: Declined
- The caregiver did not accept or decline the request within the allotted time: Expired
- The request was sent to other caregivers and another caregiver accepted the request: Closed
- The caregiver accepts the request and the booking is confirmed by both parties: Accepted
- Either the caregiver or family cancels the booking after accepting: Canceled
- The booking time passes and payment is initiated: Completed
For cash bookings and unpaid interviews, the booking will automatically update from Accepted to Completed with no further action required. Bookings paid via credit will require the family to submit payment before it updates to Completed.
Families can learn more about how caregiver payments work here and caregivers can learn more here.
Please note that some bookings may require up to fifteen minutes to show a Completed status even if the booking has already been completed in real-time. For example, a booking completed at 6:15 pm may not update to Completed until 6:30 pm.
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