The Job Board is the place to apply to care jobs posted by families and care seekers in your area, hide jobs that don't work for you, and keep an eye on jobs you've applied to. Families get notified when you apply to their posts so they can check out your profile and send you a message, booking, or interview request if they feel you’re a good fit for the job.
Filter and sort job posts
Filter the Job Board by Available jobs to see open jobs posted by families in your area, or update the location filter to see results in another area. You can filter by commitment type (one-time, part-time, or full-time), hourly rate minimum, distance from you, and job start date and sort by closest distance, most recent posts, soonest start date, or highest rate. If a job isn’t a good fit, feel free to hide the job and they’ll be filtered under Hidden Jobs.
Apply to jobs you're available for
Read job descriptions, tasks, and perks, then click Apply if you're interested and available. Answer screening questions and send a personal introduction message to the family to help them get to know you or to ask any questions about the job. Families will be notified of your application and be able to read more on your profile. Getting booked by the family will depend on your qualifications, matching the needs of the job, and how you stand out among other caregivers.
Check in on your applications
Filter the Job Board by Applied jobs to see all jobs you've applied to, ensure your application was sent, and see if the family has viewed your application. You can also edit your introduction message or answers to screening questions and withdraw your application if necessary.
- Read job descriptions and tasks thoroughly! Booking and interview terms and details cannot be negotiated after accepting
- Jobs under Closed jobs are posts you've applied to that have since closed (expired) or been fulfilled (by you or another caregiver)
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