Booking a caregiver will default to an hourly rate, but you also can book a caregiver at a flat rate per day, week, shift, etc.
To book a caregiver at a flat rate,
- Go to the caregiver’s profile and click Request a booking
- Select the type of care you need: child care, senior care, pet care, or household services
- Where asked when you need this care, select On a recurring basis
- Enter the date range of your booking requests, the days of the week you need care, and the start and end times per day. Then click Next, confirm dates
- Deselect any dates you don’t need care for, then click Next
- Add a job description and review booking details
- Under Job Details > Payment type, open the drop down menu and click Flat rate per shift
- Enter flat rate amount $
- Click Book
Your caregiver will be notified of your requests and be able to accept or decline each shift. Jobs booked via credit will prompt payment for each booking, so you may wish to send requests for once or twice a week if you’re paying your caregiver on a recurring schedule. Learn more about paying caregivers with your benefits here.
To book a caregiver at a flat rate for a one-time job, not a recurring job, please request a booking at an hourly rate and then email Member Services to update it to a flat rate.
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